About Us

Straightline.in is a business unit of Mjunction services ltd. – a 50:50 joint venture of SAIL and TATA Steel. It was only after recognizing the huge void that looms between the demands of an average Indian buyer and the resources to fulfill their needs, was Straightline.in formed. This e-commerce website now has a plethora of daily products being classified in as many as 13 main categories.These categories are:

  • Camera and Camcorders
  • Jewellery shop
  • Gift
  • Apparel and Accessories
  • Home Décor
  • Kitchen Zone
  • Health and Beauty
  • Books
  • Electronics
  • Computers and peripherals
  • Home Appliances
  • Art and Painting
  • Mobiles and Accessories

The count of products that are up on sale is only to increase in the days to come and so will be the categories.

How Straightline Makes a Difference

With so many players already in the league, a rational question might arise as to WHY STRAIGHTLINE & NOT OTHERS? Well as stated earlier, Straightline.in being a unit of Mjunction (a TATA group company), believes in creating value for their customers. Straightline as a unit is hardwired to change the experience of online shopping among Indian Customers. Well here’s how.

Their market analysts have made holistic researches and found out that the current trend in online shopping starts with selling a product and ends with its delivery. Well, Straightline simply has added a few more steps on both ends so as to complete the entire cycle of shopping.

Straightline has formed a dedicated team that indulges in research in order to find out what are the things that customers at micro level demand for. Further surveys and market researches are done in order to validate the former researches and once a rise in demand is inferred, the products are taken in stock, virtually diminishing the gap between an average buyer’s needs and the time required to get their demands fulfilled.

After this, comes the routine steps. The customer raises an order and the products are delivered on time. This is basic hygiene in online shopping but in order to enhance the overall experience there is more to it that needs to be fulfilled.

They have established a dedicated team that looks after the post-delivery issues, if any. Straightline understands that there might be issues with products (in rare scenarios), as they are stored in warehouses, then trucked out and eventually the shipping process takes place. A small error in handling might damage a product but they are well equipped not to allow such uncertainties to come in the way and mar the online shopping experience of a customer. Straightline does not wait for their customers to provide a feedback but get in touch with them to find out if there are any issues with the product. In case there’s an issue, there’s a separate team that acknowledges it immediately and do the needful on priority.Straightline.in believes in technology and that is what they ride on to stay closer to their customers.